When offering Salat (Namaz), all Muslims need the exact direction of Kaaba located in Mecca. Qibla Compass will find accurate Qiblah direction or Qibla direction very easily.
Also has prayer time reminders, athan prayer timings, dhikr counter, hijri calendar or Islamic Calendar and muslim namaz times.
- Find Qibla location anytime. It has many Qibla Compass faces to choose from.
- Listen to adhan five times a day by enabling azan notifications / azan alarm
- View the remaining time for each Salat & see accurate Muslim Prayer Times of the entire day
- Automatically detects your current location on start. Pull to refresh your location.
- Exact Qibla direction locator
- Namaz prayer time calculator
- Athan reminder app
- Find nearby Mosques / Mosque near you
- Hijri calendar or Islamic Calendar
- View current Islamic / Hijri & Gregorian Calendar
- Dhikr counter
- Can be used to get Qibla direction offline as well (outdoors using GPS)
- No unwanted settings, just get an accurate Qibla direction and degrees from north.
** For accurate direction, always place your device on a flat surface and keep it away from electronic and metal objects.
** The app requires a device with a compass sensor.
** The app requires a clear sky view to work on flight mode.